Sunday Morning Services
8:15 am and 10:45 am
September Worship Schedule
Sunday, September 1st
Labor Day Weekend
1st Service | 8:00 am |
2nd Service | 10:00 am |
Sunday, September 8th
Ministry Fair Sunday
Sunday, September 15th
Regular Falls Hours Begin
1st Service | 8:15 am |
2nd Service | 10:45 am |
A message from the pastor...
Why should we bother to take a place in the pews on a Sunday morning? Is it necessary to attend church? Many will make the argument that they can encounter God by spending a bit of quiet time on the lake or in the woods. After all, isn't God everywhere?
God is omnipresent (in other words, he is everywhere). That is true. But according to Dr. Luther, the question we must consider is, where is he for you?
Where is God located to break into our lives and deliver the gifts of forgiveness and salvation? That is what we need from him. We struggle with temptation. We experience guilt and shame because of what we have done and what we have said. In addition, these bodies are ravaged by sickness, pain, and disease. Death will come for us. All of this is clear evidence that we have been corrupted by sin. For this reason, we need what Christ achieved for us by his death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave.
These gifts are not found on a calm lake or in the quiet woods. Our Lord delivers his gifts by means of the Word and the sacraments. It is the words of absolution that proclaim we have forgiveness. The water of Baptism washes our sins away. The Sacrament of the Altar offers the body and blood of Christ so we may receive his salvation.
That is why the Word and the sacraments serve as marks of the church. Where people are gathered to hear the Word and receive the sacraments is the place that church is happening. This is where the Lord is at work for you. This is where he come you to cleanse you and make you his own.
Therefore, if you have no sins, don't bother with church. The Lord set up his church for sinners who need forgiveness.
This means that if you have sins, come and gather in the pews. Come where the Lord has located himself for you. What you will receive is not found on a lake, or in the woods, or anywhere else. What you will receive is comfort and peace for your weary soul. The church is where the Lord takes away the load of your sins. No longer can they doom you. Who doesn't need that?
God's peace be with you,
Pastor Nelson
Baptisms |
1 |
Emmett & Micah Coon (7/8/24) |
Confirmations |
0 |
Weddings |
1 |
Sam Wackernagel & Tressa Swihart (7/13/24) |
Funerals |
2 |
Donna Hughes (7/22/24)
Gail Treptow-Crane (8/21/24)
From the Family Life Director...
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:19-20 says this, "And He (Jesus) said to them (Peter and Andrew), "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Immediately they left their nets and followed him."
Can you imagine... Leaving everything to follow a guy who you have only heard stories about. Talk about taking a step out in faith. These fishermen knew who Jesus was, they had heard his stories. Jesus was the talk of the town and now, he was inviting these guys, who were not trained in preaching, to practice sharing the Gospel.
Just let that sit in. Jesus was preparing them for a completely different way of life. A life that called them to sacrifice everything that they had known and put their absolute complete trust in the Christ.
They were called to live out a vocation that was nothing that they could have ever imagined.
This summer was incredible. It was filled with exciting ministry opportunities and ways to learn and grow. Things like; VBS, Alaska, camp, family nights, social outings, Water days, and phone calls were such a blessing to me. I was able to work with so many individuals who stepped into leadership roles and those who gave their time, gifts, and talents. Thank you!
The summer is behind us though and now we look forward to what is coming!
Confirmation is right around the corner closely followed by Sunday School and Midweek. We kick things all off with our Ministry Fair.
The Ministry Fair is a place where people can connect with different leaders here within the church to see where they can best use their times, gifts, and talents. This is also a place where we will be putting out information for future ministry opportunities. Things such as; international missions, Adult trips, various family events, and how we can partner with local organizations such as Love Inc.
Please make it a priority for you and your entire family to stop by on September 8th for the Ministry Fair. We are even offering brunch for those who attend!
Things to put on your calendar these next couple weeks.
- September 1st - 3rd - Russell out of the Office
- September 4th - First day of Confirmation classes
- September 5th - CPR class (Sign up on the bulletin Board)
- September 8th - Ministry Fair
- September 11th - Blood Drive
- September 15th - Sunday School, Youth Bible study & Youth Night
- September 18th - Midweek begins
- September 22nd - NYG meeting
- October 4th - 6th - Confirmation Retreat
- October 8th - Right To Life Banquet
- October 11th - 13th - Adult Gathering Mackinac Island
- October 21st - 23rd - Annual Church workers Conference
Continue to keep St. James, the staff, and the community in your prayers as we seek to share the Gospel and the hope that we have in Christ.
In Christ,
Russell Baumann ~ Family Life Director
John 3:30
Good Shepherd Preschool
Kellie and I are excited to start the 2024-2025 school year! On Monday, September 9th, we will welcome this year's students and families for the first day of school. Please pray for a year filled with learning, laughter, and the love of Jesus.
Due to the overwhelming response to last year's Fall paper products drive, we remain well-stocked for the school year. If you would like to give in another way, we are always happy to receive donations of Play-Doh and new or used books, puzzles, and games. For Amazon shoppers, we have created a Good Shepherd Preschool wishlist. Use the QR code below to view the list. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the preschool. The impact of your love and kindness reaches well beyond the walls of the preschool classroom!
Blessings and Joy,
Marilee Bailey
Director and Teacher
Labor Day is Monday, September 2nd
Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
Ministry Fair
Church is at 9:00 am (only one service that day)
Join us on Sunday, September 8th, after church, down in the Fellowship Hall! See first hand all of the ministry opportunities we have here at St. James! Talk to the leaders and see what each program is all about!
Confirmation Classes
6th-8th Grade Confirmation classes begin Wednesday, September 4th, at 6:30 pm.
Men’s Bible Study
Every Monday morning at 8:30 am.
Good Shepherd Preschool
MWF Classes begin on Monday, September 9th, at 9:00 am
T-Th Classes begin on Tuesday, September 10th, at 9:00 am
Pew Sisters Bible Study
New Study begins Wednesday, September 11th, at 9:00 am
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
Pastor’s study on “Genesis” beginning Sunday, September 15th, at 9:30 am
Sunday School
Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 15th, at 9:30 am
Begins Wednesday, September 18th, at 6:30-7:30 pm
All preschool to 5th grade kids are invited.
The theme this year is “The Armor of God”.
Join us for dinner in the Youth House at 5:30 pm.
Sunday School Needs Volunteers!
If you're interested in helping out during Sunday School, please add your info to the sign up sheet in the narthex or come find me during family breakfast today! We need at least two more teachers for Sunday School to be able to happen this year!
Amber Lanning 231-740-7426
Choir Practice Begins
Tuesday, September 3rd, at 6:30 pm, in the sanctuary! Sign up at the “Sign Me Up” Table! All are welcome!
Sign Me Up!
There is a sign-up table in the narthex with various volunteer opportunities. If you have already signed up in the past for any of the duties, we need you to PLEASE SIGN UP AGAIN! WE NEED YOU! We are all a part of this wonderful St. James Family…see where you can put your time, talent, & treasure to work! Sign-up runs through Sunday, September 8th.
Altar Guild Meeting Dates
Quarterly Meeting ~ Monday, September 9th, at 6:00 pm
Altar Cleaning ~ Monday, September 30th, at 10:00 am
Love Family News
Love Family news-still looking for two or three people interested in delivering (just dropping off) meals to a couple members of our congregation. This is a great way to keep in contact with those members and takes less than a half hour once or twice a year! If interested, contact Kim DuBois @ 231-730-0735
Grieving with Hope Meeting
Monday, September 9th, at 10:00 am
Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, September 11th, from 10:00 am-3:15 pm. For an appointment visit and enter sponsor code: WHITELAKE
or call 1-800-733-2767
Sanctuary Carpet Campaign!
Campaign Update:
We started our carpet fundraiser at the end of May. To date we have collected $9,207.50. WOW! It’s getting close! Our goal is $13,000!
Thank you so much for your generous donations toward this project! There are still squares available…check out the display in the narthex! One square = $7.50
There are envelopes provided.. sign your square(s) and fill out your envelope. Payment is due when you fill out your square! Please turn your envelope into the office!
UPDATE: Our Sanctuary Carpet Campaign Goal HAS BEEN MET!
We started our carpet fundraiser at the end of May. To date we have collected $13,820... WOW! Our goal was $13,000! Thank you so much for your generous donations toward this project!
2024 Church Façade Project
The power washing has been taking place throughout the summer….we are almost done. The sealing will be next!
Remove plexiglass from windows, Scrape old paint on window frames, Prime & paint window frames
Caulk and Seal brick
LCMS Muskegon & Holland Circuits
Joining Jesus Together
A Gathering of Lakeshore LCMS Churches
Our two Church Circuits (Holland and Muskegon) will be holding a joint Circuit Convocation. Circuits are directed by LCMS by-laws to hold a circuit convocation every third year. The first year is the Synod convention and the second year is the convention for each district. By definition, a convocation is a large formal assembly of people.
Join the LCMS Lakeshore Gathering on Sunday, September 29th, for the Convocation Celebration Event
This is for all members of the Muskegon/Holland circuits at Trinity Lutheran Church & West Shore Lutheran School from 2:00-5:00 pm. There will be inspirational music, family activities and congregational presentations. The keynote message, based on Acts 2:42-47 will be presented by the Rev. Greg Finke, followed by a picnic supper. The convocation is free, and we are hoping and praying for a large turn out from all fourteen churches in our two circuits.
As an added bonus feature to Sunday...
A Church Leaders Seminar Workshop will take place on Saturday, September 28th, from 1:00-3:00 pm at St. John’s in Grand Haven.
We would like between five to seven key leaders from each congregation to be present. Our theme is “Embracing the Exile – Advancing the Gospel”… discovering together six Biblical truths from Acts 11:19-30 that we must embrace as exiles to navigate the cultural shift to advance the Gospel. Our facilitator is pastor and consultant Rev. Greg Finke, author of many books including “Joining Jesus on His Mission”.
Trail Life - USA
As we enter September here in Magnificent West Michigan the Trail Life USA Troop 8945 at St. James Lutheran Church has it's first meeting on Tuesday evening, September 10, 6-730 p.m. for our Trailmen! All boys ages 5-18 are welcome to attend.
And Parents, this first meeting after the summer hiatus provides a great opportunity to get your son involved in the Troop if he is not already a member! Come and see what it is all about. We are a Troop on the go and on the grow!
What is Trail Life USA all about? Here is a quote from the Trail Life website:
Trail Life USA (TLUSA) is a Christian outdoor adventure program that emphasizes and teaches biblical moral values. Founded in late 2013 by Scoutmasters, Eagle Scouts, and other parents and scouting leaders who were concerned about many of the changes and decisions the Boy Scouts had made to their policies. They operate with the mission statement of “Walk Worthy!” This is based on the Scripture in Colossians 1:10: “… that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (NKJV).
Trail Life is a Christ-centered, boy-focused character, leadership, and adventure organization for boys and young men. It is “unapologetically Christian,” and tells the boys that the Bible is their compass that gives them their “true north.”
We had a great and successful beginning last school year which culminated in our June family Trailmen Awards Banquet. It was well attended and we all applauded our Trailmen who received various badges and awards as they advanced! We are preparing and looking forward to a great year ahead of growth and activities! Our Leadership Team is working to attain Certifications in a number of areas such as First Aid and CPR, Water Life Saving Certification, Firearm Safety Certification, Archery Safey Certification, and more so we can protect and teach our Trailmen to be skilled and safe on and off the water!
We look forward to our current Trailmen returning on Tuesday, September 10th at 6 p.m. and we look forward to welcoming any newcomers who want to see what Trail Life USA is all about!
Greetings from Marci Bentz - Thrivent Whitehall Office
Eleven Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market
Keeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help you keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term impact on your ability to achieve your financial goals.
- Have a game plan - Having predetermined guidelines that recognize the potential for turbulent times can help prevent emotion from dictating your decisions.
- Know what you own and why you own it - When the market goes off the tracks, knowing why you originally made a specific investment can help you evaluate whether your reasons still hold, regardless of what the overall market is doing.
- Remember that everything is relative - Most of the variance in the returns of different portfolios can generally be attributed to their asset allocations. Review to see if you’ve got a well-diversified portfolio.
- Tell yourself that this too shall pass - The financial markets are historically cyclical. A well-thought-out asset allocation is still the basis of good investment planning.
- Be willing to learn from your mistakes - Expert help can help prepare you and your portfolio to both weather and take advantage of the market’s up and downs.
- Consider playing defense - During volatile periods in the stock market, many investors re-examine their allocations.
- Stay on course by continuing to save - Even if the value of your holdings fluctuates, regularly adding to an account designed for a long-term goal may cushion the emotional impact of market swings.
- Use cash to help manage your mindset - Having a cash cushion coupled with a disciplined investing strategy can change your perspective on the market volatility.
- Remember your road map - Solid asset allocation is the basis of sound investing.
- Look in the rear-view mirror - If you’re investing long term, sometimes it helps to take a look back and see how far you’ve come.
- Take it easy - If you feel you need to make changes in your portfolio, there are ways to do so short of a total makeover. Taking gradual steps is one way to spread your risk over time, as well as over a variety of asset classes.
For financial questions, needs or concerns, please call Marci Bentz, Financial Advisor, Whitehall Thrivent Office at 231-894-8886, text 231-760-8246 or email
Lutherans For Life of Michigan is pleased to announce a double event!
Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (, will present Speaking the Truth in Love on Life Issues During Elections on Saturday, October 5th, from 10:00am to 2:00pm St. Luke Lutheran Church 21400 S. Nunneley Rd. Clinton Twp., MI 48035. The event is free. Lunch will be provided. Please register by September 8th to Lauren Schaidt at or (586)214-3116.
Rev. Dr. Seltz will also present Life Issues Today and in the Upcoming Election on Sunday, October 6th, from 2:00pm to 5:30pm at St. Mark Lutheran Church 1934 52nd ST SE, Kentwood, MI 49508. The event is free, refreshments will be provided before, during a break, and after the presentation. Please register by September 23 to Earl Iseler at or text or call (616)485-9589.
“A Childless World: Utopia or Disaster?” will be presented on Saturday, October 19th, by Pastor Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life at Hope Lutheran Church, 1180 W Herbison Rd, Dewitt, MI 48820. Registration will be from 8:00 to 8:30am. There will be a Matins service at 8:30 am. The presentation will be from 9:00am to 2:00pm and will include lunch. Preregistration is required by email to or calling the church at (517)669-3930 and leaving a message. A to be determined registration fee will be collected upon arrival.
Online Service Directions!
How to watch our services online step by step: on Facebook Live on Sundays at 8:00 am
- In the top search bar... Go to
(You do not need to have a Facebook account page to access this)
- Close the popup box asking to login to your Facebook account.
- Scroll down through the Facebook page until you come across the most recent videos
- Click on the Live video of the church service.
- Explore the rest of the Facebook page and watch other videos. 😊
September Birthdays |
09/01 Emily Nordlund | 09/17 Elijah Towne |
09/02 Jim Eastman | 09/17 Page Ramthun |
09/03 Wes Bower | 09/19 Jim Towne |
09/04 Billie Tryska | 09/20 Pat Allen |
09/04 Kay Snell | 09/20 Wren Tryska |
09/06 Rosie Eppard | 09/21 Dan Sikkenga |
09/07 Rose Fremer | 09/21 Sandy Veltman |
09/08 E.B. Boulet | 09/24 Leah Stevens |
09/08 Marva Riggs | 09/24 Michelle Auble |
09/11 Alan Gittins | 09/25 Kim Mason |
09/11 Ken VanBergen | 09/26 Dorianne Kittridge |
09/11 Matt Schroeder | 09/26 Marsha Ramey |
09/13 Doris Grover | 09/27 Tom Rabe |
09/13 Ellen Grimm | 09/29 Colton Timmich |
09/16 Martha Wackernagel | 09/29 Linda Fichter |
09/16 Matt Hedges | 09/30 Elliot Bantien |
09/17 Daniel DuBois | |
| 8:15 | 10:45 |
ELDERS | Bob Wackernagel | Henry Friday |
TRUSTEES | Allen Ramthun | Ruschel Friday |
ACOLYTES | Isabella Causie | |
USHERS | Bob Wackernagel | Brad VanBergen |
| Sam Wackernagel | Ken VanBergen |
| Jake Wackernagel | Gary Mason |
| Kim Wackernagel | Christian Mason |
| Luke DeRose | Randy Weiss |
ALTAR CARE | Connie Kring & Karen Mott |
PRAYER PARTNER | 1st | Jordan Lohman (8:00) |
| 8th | Alan Mayville (9:00) | No Second |
| 15th | George McLaughlin (8:15) | Service Prayer Partner |
| 22nd | Jay Mulder |
| 29th | Greg Neubauer |
GREETERS | 1st | M/M Rich Kessler (8:00) | Judy Best (10:00) |
| 8th | M/M Phil Albrecht and Gloria Bernhardt (9:00) |
| 15th | M/M Ray Grow (8:15) | M/M M.Hedges (10:45) |
| 22nd | Marva Riggs | M/M B. Bentz |
| 29th | M/M Frank Morningstar | Jill & Sheryl Squire |
MULTI-MEDIA | 1st | Alicia Koski (8:00) | Eric Lindstrom (10:00) |
| 8th | E.Lindstrom/M.Kool (9:00) |
| 15th | April Lipka (8:15) | Marci Bentz (10:45) |
| 22nd | Jeri Wonders | Jill Squire |
| 29th | Alicia Koski | Eric Lindstrom |
COFFEE HOUR | 1st | Connie Kring (8:00) |
| 8th | Ministry Fair with Brunch in Fellowship Hall (9:00) |
| 15th | Ellen Grimm & Terri Zeller (8:15) |
| 22nd | Ruth Ann Francis & Gloria Alvarez |
| 29th | Frank & Sandi Morningstar |
NURSERY (2nd Service Only) | 1st | Julia Hasenbank (10:00) |
| 8th | Katie & Amanda Cooper (9:00) |
| 15th | Meacham Family (10:45) |
| 22nd | Bentz Family |
| 29th | Justian Family |
ALTAR FLOWERS | 1st | Dave & Tina Ramthun |
| 8th | E.B. Boulet |
| 15th | |
| 22nd | |
| 29th | Dan & Kim Hardy |
Funeral Luncheons
If we have a funeral, Faith Mayville, our Luncheon Coordinator will contact you for help. Each funeral luncheon requires table/chair set up, food donations, food servers (kitchen staff), and table/chair take down. Faith will let you know what is needed.
If you are unable to fulfill your assigned duty, please make arrangements with someone before or after you on the list. Thanks!