A good place to find the answer is with the Lord. It is always a good practice to run our answers through Christ. Those answers are reliable, true, and certain. Why did the Lord provide for you a called and ordained servant?

An answer is located for us in our Lord’s discussion with Simon Peter. The Gospel of John informs us that after Jesus had provided a large catch for His disciples (153 fish), he asked Simon Peter if he loved Him. Peter replied that he loved his master. Jesus the instructed him to feed his lambs.

Three times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. Peter answered each time that he loved Jesus. Recall that Peter had denied the Lord three times on the night He was betrayed. Now the Lord had provided an opportunity for Peter to declare his devotion three times. After each reply, the Lord told him to take care of His sheep.

That is what I am to do as your pastor. The Lord – our Good Shepherd – has called me to take care of His sheep. That is who you are. When you were baptized, the Lord placed His name on you and made you a part of His flock.

This means I am not free to do as I please. I am accountable to the Good shepherd. I am to proclaim His Word to you. I am to deliver His sacraments to you. By these means, the Lord nourishes and strengthens His flock with His grace and forgiveness.

I look forward to service as your pastor. I have been very impressed with the people I have met. My wife and I have appreciated how friendly and accommodating the congregation has been to us. You have no shortage of gifts and abilities. God willing, I will be feeding and tending the sheep of St. James Lutheran for years to come!

God's peace be with you,
  Pastor Nelson