There will be a Visitation for our sweet Loraine Wilkinson on Saturday, September 28th, from 4:00-6:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.
Freewill Offering Information
Last Sunday we collected $65 for Muskegon Right to Life. Thank you for giving!
Upcoming Offering Information
Noisy Offering ~ Sunday, September 29th
The September Noisy Offering freewill collection will be going to: Lutheran Fraternities of America for the Food Bank at Fort Wayne Seminary.
Just a Reminder...
We are all stewards of our church building! If you are the last one out of the building for any event/meeting/study, please make sure all of the lights are off, check bathrooms to make sure there are no toilets running, and check to make sure all doors are locked. We are so blessed to have an active church with things going on most evenings... we all need to be mindful. Thank you!
Studies Begin!
Sunday School, Jr/Sr Youth Study & Adult Study all begin Sunday, September 15th at 9:30 am!
The Adult Bible Study, led by Pastor Nelson, will be on the Book of Genesis! Just show up! Find out what happened in the beginning!
Youth Night
Sunday, September 15th, from, 6:00-7:30 pm, Ice Breakers AND Initiatives ~ in the Youth House
Council Meeting
Monday, September 16th, at 6:30 pm
Voters Meeting
Wednesday, September 18th, at 7:30 pm
If you would like an item added to the Voters agenda, please contact the church office by Tuesday, September 17th.
Update on the Church Façade Project
Currently we have a lift and some professional painters taking care of MOST OF the scraping & painting.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO: do some painting & scraping and to put the plexiglass back up
SUB-CONTRACTOR WILL: Caulk windows and Seal brick
Missions Interest meeting
Wednesday, September 25th, at 5:30 pm
At this gathering, we will be discussing missions, international missions, trips, and local missions looks like. If you are interested, please plan on attending. This meeting will be held in the coffee area.
Sign the Puzzle Piece!
The St. James puzzle piece is in the narthex. The piece will be added to the large Muskegon/Holland Circuit "puzzle" at the Lakeshore Convocation Celebration Event on Sunday, September 29th! (See the next page for details)
Altar Guild Meeting Dates
Altar Cleaning ~ Monday, September 30th, at 10:00 am
Sunday School Needs Volunteers!
If you're interested in helping out during Sunday School, please sign up soon! We need at least two more teachers for Sunday School to be able to happen this year!
Amber Lanning 231-740-7426
Good Shepherd Preschool Needs:
Play-Doh, lots of Play-Doh 😊 Thank you to all who have donated to date!!
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 26th, from noon - 2:00 pm Looking for 25 trunks (sign up on the b.board)
Why Trunk or Treat?
1) We get the chance to hand out devotional books and talk about Jesus.
2) This an inviting event for our neighbors.
3) We create a touch base with our neighborhood to invite them into other ministries.
4) It's fun to see kids get candy.
5) It brings our community together.
Lewis Farms Family Event
Sunday, October 20th immediately following 2nd service. The church van will leave at 12:30 pm and arrive back around 3:30 pm. Rain or shine. Pizza will be provided. Lewis farm passes will be $12.00. (typically $23.95 when purchased ahead of time) Sign up and pay the church office by October 13th. Russell will not purchase a ticket for you unless you have paid ahead of time.
Medicare Seminar Coming Soon!
The annual Medicare Seminar is Thursday, October 24th, at 10:00 am, in the Youth House. Greg Borgeson has a lot of new information this year. There have been several changes affecting 2025. Part D is changing and there are other changes due to the Inflation Reduction Act, which will affect you and how big Pharma was paid off and what will happen. Please sign up below and bring a friend if you would like. Looking forward to seeing you there. Please contact Ruth Ann Francis at 231-740-7270 with any questions.
Women's Fall Retreat
Saturday, November 9th, 9a-1p We will focus on prayer and make our own journals. Cost is $10/person. Sign up today at the Ministry Fair!
LCMS Muskegon & Holland Circuits
Joining Jesus Together ~ A Gathering of Lakeshore LCMS Churches
Our two Church Circuits (Holland and Muskegon) will be holding a joint Circuit Convocation. Circuits are directed by LCMS by-laws to hold a circuit convocation every third year. The first year is the Synod convention and the second year is the convention for each district. By definition, a convocation is a large formal assembly of people.
Join the LCMS Lakeshore Gathering on Sunday, September 29th, for the Convocation Celebration Event
This is for all members of the Muskegon/Holland circuits at Trinity Lutheran Church & West Shore Lutheran School from 2:00-5:00 pm. There will be inspirational music, family activities and congregational presentations. The keynote message, based on Acts 2:42-47 will be presented by the Rev. Greg Finke, followed by a picnic supper. The convocation is free, and we are hoping and praying for a large turn out from all fourteen churches in our two circuits.
Church Leaders Seminar Workshop will take place on Saturday, September 28th, from 1:00-3:00 pm at St. John's in Grand Haven. We would like between five to seven key leaders from each congregation to be present. Our theme is "Embracing the Exile - Advancing the Gospel"... discovering together six Biblical truths from Acts 11:19-30 that we must embrace as exiles to navigate the cultural shift to advance the Gospel. Our facilitator is pastor and consultant Rev. Greg Finke, author of many books including "Joining Jesus on His Mission".
Looking for a way to encourage your children to grow in the faith. Would you like to be grow more skills to assist in raising them with a love of Jesus and their fellow neighbor? Join us on Friday, September 27th at 7:00 pm at St Mark Lutheran Church, Norton Shores. Rev Greg Finke will present and overview of his book, Joining Jesus as a Family. Contact the office 231-798-2197 or
Lutherans For Life of Michigan
Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, will present Speaking the Truth in Love on Life Issues During Elections on Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm St. Luke Lutheran Church 21400 S. Nunneley Rd. Clinton Twp., MI 48035. The event is free. Lunch will be provided. Please register by September 8th to Lauren Schaidt at or (586) 214-3116.
Rev. Dr. Seltz will present Life Issues Today and in the Upcoming Election on Sunday, October 6 from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm at St. Mark Lutheran Church 1934 52nd ST SE, Kentwood, MI 49508. Please register by September 23 to Earl Iseler at or text or call (616) 485-9589.
Muskegon Right to Life Fundraiser Banquet, Tuesday, October 8th. See Kim Hardy for details!
"A Childless World: Utopia or Disaster?" presented by Pastor Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life at Hope Lutheran Church, 1180 W Herbison Rd, Dewitt, MI 48820 on Saturday, October 19th. Registration will be from 8:00 to 8:30 am. There will be a Matins service at 8:30 am. The presentation will be from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and will include lunch. Preregistration is required by email to or calling the church at (517) 669-3930 and leaving a message. A to be determined registration fee will be collected upon arrival.