Just A Few More Things...

As we get ready to receive with joy, Pastor Eric Nelson as the next pastor to serve in St. James blessed history, I would like to share with you a few more things as this page turns.

First and foremost, I want you to all know how great God’s love for you truly is. If you don’t remember anything else from me, please always remember YOU are a loved child of God! You are not perfect, nor are your fellow members, and nor is your pastor, but of this you can be sure, God loves you and wants you, His children, to love one another. I have seen and witnessed firsthand how you love one another. Serve, show, and share that love with an ever growing circle around you.

Second, remember why St. James Lutheran exists. We are to sow the seed of God’s Word and Witness what we know - that Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. Personally, strive to grow in God’s Word, and pray for God to open doors to your witness of the Gospel. Pray for those who need new life in Him or renewed life in Him. Remember, we witness; the Holy Spirit works faith.

Finally, I want to thank you! It has been a privilege to serve with you in this time and this place. St. James has so many blessings, because each one of you is a blessing! Thank you for your support, love, and care for this shepherd. Please know that this, the St. James faith family, will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always be lifting you up in my prayers.

  Pastor Mark Gilson