Pastor Eric Nelson

A message from the pastor...


God is not merely interested in outward ritual. In other words, it is not enough to simply warm a pew on Sunday morning and throw a few dollars into the collection plate. This is not what God requires. Yet there are those who believe that as long as we make an effort to be good, decent people and show up to church from time to time, that will be enough to keep God satisfied. That should keep him off of our backs. But God is not looking for perfunctory, outward behavior. He is after our hearts.

The Lord revealed the genuine love and devotion he has in his heat for his bride. Jesus came to cleanse and purify her so that she would be without blemish. As a result, he left his place of honor and glory in heaven and emptied himself to take on our flesh and blood. As a man, he would endure rejection, hatred, beatings, and death. He would lay down his life on a cross in order to cleanse his bride from every sin and make her perfect and holy.

Who is this bride of Christ? The church is the bride. This means that Jesus did it all for you. It was for you that he emptied himself and became a man. It was for you that he endured opposition and rejection. It was for you that he suffered, died so that you would be cleansed from every sin.

Therefore, God will not bring charges against you. The case has already been settled. Jesus has satisfied the justice of his heavenly Father. That is why he rose again on the third day. For this reason, there is no doubt about Christ’s devotion for us.

That is assurance we need. As we examine ourselves according to God’s Word, it doesn’t take long before we realize that we have sinned. We have not loved God as we should. Idols we find in this world have received our devotion. Who could blame God if he gave up on us?

That is why we take our places in the pews on Sunday morning. We do not come to church as way to manipulate God and get on his good side. It is not merely just a ritual for us. Rather we come in humility and repentance. We come to hear the words of absolution and to receive the sacraments. This is how he takes our sins away and cleanses us. It is by these means that our Bridegroom reminds us that we are cherished.

  Pastor Nelson